Source code for pennylane.qaoa.layers

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Methods that define cost and mixer layers for use in QAOA workflows.
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Tensor

def _diagonal_terms(hamiltonian):
    r"""Checks if all terms in a Hamiltonian are products of diagonal Pauli gates
    (:class:`~.PauliZ` and :class:`~.Identity`).

        hamiltonian (.Hamiltonian): The Hamiltonian being checked

        bool: ``True`` if all terms are products of diagonal Pauli gates, ``False`` otherwise
    val = True

    for i in hamiltonian.ops:
        obs = i.obs if isinstance(i, Tensor) else [i]
        for j in obs:
            if not in ("PauliZ", "Identity"):
                val = False

    return val

[docs]def cost_layer(gamma, hamiltonian): r"""Applies the QAOA cost layer corresponding to a cost Hamiltonian. For the cost Hamiltonian :math:`H_C`, this is defined as the following unitary: .. math:: U_C \ = \ e^{-i \gamma H_C} where :math:`\gamma` is a variational parameter. Args: gamma (int or float): The variational parameter passed into the cost layer hamiltonian (.Hamiltonian): The cost Hamiltonian Raises: ValueError: if the terms of the supplied cost Hamiltonian are not exclusively products of diagonal Pauli gates .. details:: :title: Usage Details We first define a cost Hamiltonian: .. code-block:: python3 from pennylane import qaoa import pennylane as qml cost_h = qml.Hamiltonian([1, 1], [qml.Z(0), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(1)]) We can then pass it into ``qaoa.cost_layer``, within a quantum circuit: .. code-block:: python dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=2) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(gamma): for i in range(2): qml.Hadamard(wires=i) qaoa.cost_layer(gamma, cost_h) return [qml.expval(qml.Z(i)) for i in range(2)] which gives us a circuit of the form: >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)(0.5)) 0: ──H─╭ApproxTimeEvolution(1.00,1.00,0.50)─┤ <Z> 1: ──H─╰ApproxTimeEvolution(1.00,1.00,0.50)─┤ <Z> >>> print(qml.draw(circuit, expansion_strategy="device")(0.5)) 0: ──H──RZ(1.00)─╭RZZ(1.00)─┤ <Z> 1: ──H───────────╰RZZ(1.00)─┤ <Z> """ if not isinstance(hamiltonian, qml.Hamiltonian): raise ValueError( f"hamiltonian must be of type pennylane.Hamiltonian, got {type(hamiltonian).__name__}" ) if not _diagonal_terms(hamiltonian): raise ValueError("hamiltonian must be written only in terms of PauliZ and Identity gates") qml.templates.ApproxTimeEvolution(hamiltonian, gamma, 1)
[docs]def mixer_layer(alpha, hamiltonian): r"""Applies the QAOA mixer layer corresponding to a mixer Hamiltonian. For a mixer Hamiltonian :math:`H_M`, this is defined as the following unitary: .. math:: U_M \ = \ e^{-i \alpha H_M} where :math:`\alpha` is a variational parameter. Args: alpha (int or float): The variational parameter passed into the mixer layer hamiltonian (.Hamiltonian): The mixer Hamiltonian .. details:: :title: Usage Details We first define a mixer Hamiltonian: .. code-block:: python3 from pennylane import qaoa import pennylane as qml mixer_h = qml.Hamiltonian([1, 1], [qml.X(0), qml.X(0) @ qml.X(1)]) We can then pass it into ``qaoa.mixer_layer``, within a quantum circuit: .. code-block:: python dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=2) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(alpha): for i in range(2): qml.Hadamard(wires=i) qaoa.mixer_layer(alpha, mixer_h) return [qml.expval(qml.Z(i)) for i in range(2)] which gives us a circuit of the form: >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)(0.5)) 0: ──H─╭ApproxTimeEvolution(1.00,1.00,0.50)─┤ <Z> 1: ──H─╰ApproxTimeEvolution(1.00,1.00,0.50)─┤ <Z> >>> print(qml.draw(circuit, expansion_strategy="device")(0.5)) 0: ──H──RX(1.00)─╭RXX(1.00)─┤ <Z> 1: ──H───────────╰RXX(1.00)─┤ <Z> """ if not isinstance(hamiltonian, qml.Hamiltonian): raise ValueError( f"hamiltonian must be of type pennylane.Hamiltonian, got {type(hamiltonian).__name__}" ) qml.templates.ApproxTimeEvolution(hamiltonian, alpha, 1)