Source code for pennylane.qchem.observable_hf

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This module contains the functions needed for creating fermionic and qubit observables.
# pylint: disable= too-many-branches, too-many-return-statements
import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.fermi import FermiSentence, FermiWord
from pennylane.operation import active_new_opmath
from pennylane.pauli.utils import simplify

[docs]def fermionic_observable(constant, one=None, two=None, cutoff=1.0e-12): r"""Create a fermionic observable from molecular orbital integrals. Args: constant (array[float]): the contribution of the core orbitals and nuclei one (array[float]): the one-particle molecular orbital integrals two (array[float]): the two-particle molecular orbital integrals cutoff (float): cutoff value for discarding the negligible integrals Returns: FermiSentence: fermionic observable **Example** >>> constant = np.array([1.0]) >>> integral = np.array([[0.5, -0.8270995], [-0.8270995, 0.5]]) >>> fermionic_observable(constant, integral) 1.0 * I + 0.5 * a⁺(0) a(0) + -0.8270995 * a⁺(0) a(2) + 0.5 * a⁺(1) a(1) + -0.8270995 * a⁺(1) a(3) + -0.8270995 * a⁺(2) a(0) + 0.5 * a⁺(2) a(2) + -0.8270995 * a⁺(3) a(1) + 0.5 * a⁺(3) a(3) """ coeffs = qml.math.array([]) if not qml.math.allclose(constant, 0.0): coeffs = qml.math.concatenate((coeffs, constant)) operators = [[]] else: operators = [] if one is not None: indices_one = qml.math.argwhere(abs(one) >= cutoff) # up-up + down-down terms operators_one = (indices_one * 2).tolist() + (indices_one * 2 + 1).tolist() coeffs_one = qml.math.tile(one[abs(one) >= cutoff], 2) coeffs = qml.math.convert_like(coeffs, one) coeffs = qml.math.concatenate((coeffs, coeffs_one)) operators = operators + operators_one if two is not None: indices_two = np.array(qml.math.argwhere(abs(two) >= cutoff)) n = len(indices_two) operators_two = ( [(indices_two[i] * 2).tolist() for i in range(n)] # up-up-up-up + [(indices_two[i] * 2 + [0, 1, 1, 0]).tolist() for i in range(n)] # up-down-down-up + [(indices_two[i] * 2 + [1, 0, 0, 1]).tolist() for i in range(n)] # down-up-up-down + [(indices_two[i] * 2 + 1).tolist() for i in range(n)] # down-down-down-down ) coeffs_two = qml.math.tile(two[abs(two) >= cutoff], 4) / 2 coeffs = qml.math.concatenate((coeffs, coeffs_two)) operators = operators + operators_two indices_sort = [operators.index(i) for i in sorted(operators)] if indices_sort: indices_sort = qml.math.array(indices_sort) sentence = FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): constant[0]}) for c, o in zip(coeffs[indices_sort], sorted(operators)): if len(o) == 2: sentence.update({FermiWord({(0, o[0]): "+", (1, o[1]): "-"}): c}) if len(o) == 4: sentence.update( {FermiWord({(0, o[0]): "+", (1, o[1]): "+", (2, o[2]): "-", (3, o[3]): "-"}): c} ) sentence.simplify() return sentence
[docs]def qubit_observable(o_ferm, cutoff=1.0e-12): r"""Convert a fermionic observable to a PennyLane qubit observable. Args: o_ferm (Union[FermiWord, FermiSentence]): fermionic operator cutoff (float): cutoff value for discarding the negligible terms Returns: Operator: Simplified PennyLane Hamiltonian **Example** >>> w1 = qml.fermi.FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'}) >>> w2 = qml.fermi.FermiWord({(0, 1) : '+', (1, 2) : '-'}) >>> s = qml.fermi.FermiSentence({w1 : 1.2, w2: 3.1}) >>> print(qubit_observable(s)) (-0.3j) [Y0 X1] + (0.3j) [X0 Y1] + (-0.775j) [Y1 X2] + (0.775j) [X1 Y2] + ((0.3+0j)) [Y0 Y1] + ((0.3+0j)) [X0 X1] + ((0.775+0j)) [Y1 Y2] + ((0.775+0j)) [X1 X2] If the new op-math is active, an arithmetic operator is returned. >>> qml.operation.enable_new_opmath() >>> w1 = qml.fermi.FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'}) >>> w2 = qml.fermi.FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'}) >>> s = qml.fermi.FermiSentence({w1 : 1.2, w2: 3.1}) >>> print(qubit_observable(s)) -0.775j * (Y(0) @ X(1)) + 0.775 * (Y(0) @ Y(1)) + 0.775 * (X(0) @ X(1)) + 0.775j * (X(0) @ Y(1)) """ h = qml.jordan_wigner(o_ferm, ps=True, tol=cutoff) h.simplify(tol=cutoff) if active_new_opmath(): if not h.wires: return h.operation(wire_order=[0]) return h.operation() if not h.wires: h = h.hamiltonian(wire_order=[0]) return qml.Hamiltonian( h.coeffs, [qml.Identity(0) if == "Identity" else o for o in h.ops] ) h = h.hamiltonian() return simplify( qml.Hamiltonian(h.coeffs, [qml.Identity(0) if == "Identity" else o for o in h.ops]) )