Source code for pennylane.devices.default_qubit_legacy

# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains the legacy implementation of default.qubit.

It implements the necessary :class:`~pennylane._device.Device` methods as well as some built-in
:mod:`qubit operations <pennylane.ops.qubit>`, and provides a very simple pure state
simulation of a qubit-based quantum circuit architecture.
import functools
import itertools
from string import ascii_letters as ABC
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import BasisState, DeviceError, QubitDevice, StatePrep, Snapshot
from pennylane.devices.qubit import measure
from pennylane.operation import Operation
from pennylane.ops import Sum
from pennylane.ops.qubit.attributes import diagonal_in_z_basis
from pennylane.pulse import ParametrizedEvolution
from pennylane.measurements import ExpectationMP
from pennylane.typing import TensorLike
from pennylane.wires import WireError

from .._version import __version__

ABC_ARRAY = np.array(list(ABC))

# tolerance for numerical errors
tolerance = 1e-10
SQRT2INV = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
TPHASE = np.exp(1j * np.pi / 4)

def _get_slice(index, axis, num_axes):
    """Allows slicing along an arbitrary axis of an array or tensor.

        index (int): the index to access
        axis (int): the axis to slice into
        num_axes (int): total number of axes

        tuple[slice or int]: a tuple that can be used to slice into an array or tensor


    Accessing the 2 index along axis 1 of a 3-axis array:

    >>> sl = _get_slice(2, 1, 3)
    >>> sl
    (slice(None, None, None), 2, slice(None, None, None))
    >>> a = np.arange(27).reshape((3, 3, 3))
    >>> a[sl]
    array([[ 6,  7,  8],
           [15, 16, 17],
           [24, 25, 26]])
    idx = [slice(None)] * num_axes
    idx[axis] = index
    return tuple(idx)

# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs]class DefaultQubitLegacy(QubitDevice): """Default qubit device for PennyLane. .. warning:: This is the legacy implementation of DefaultQubit. It has been replaced by ``qml.devices.DefaultQubit``, which can be accessed with the familiar constructor, ``qml.device("default.qubit")``. This change will not alter device behaviour for most workflows, but may have implications for plugin developers and users who directly interact with device methods. Please consult :class:`pennylane.devices.Device` and the implementation in :class:`pennylane.devices.DefaultQubit` for more information on what the new interface will look like and be prepared to make updates in a coming release. If you have any feedback on these changes, please create an `issue <>`_ or post in our `discussion forum <>`_. Args: wires (int, Iterable[Number, str]): Number of subsystems represented by the device, or iterable that contains unique labels for the subsystems as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings (``['ancilla', 'q1', 'q2']``). Default 1 if not specified. shots (None, int): How many times the circuit should be evaluated (or sampled) to estimate the expectation values. Defaults to ``None`` if not specified, which means that the device returns analytical results. """ name = "Default qubit PennyLane plugin (Legacy)" short_name = "default.qubit.legacy" pennylane_requires = __version__ version = __version__ author = "Xanadu Inc." operations = { "GlobalPhase", "Identity", "Snapshot", "BasisState", "StatePrep", "QubitStateVector", "QubitUnitary", "ControlledQubitUnitary", "BlockEncode", "MultiControlledX", "IntegerComparator", "DiagonalQubitUnitary", "PauliX", "X", "PauliY", "Y", "PauliZ", "Z", "MultiRZ", "Hadamard", "S", "Adjoint(S)", "T", "Adjoint(T)", "SX", "Adjoint(SX)", "CNOT", "SWAP", "ISWAP", "PSWAP", "Adjoint(ISWAP)", "SISWAP", "Adjoint(SISWAP)", "SQISW", "CSWAP", "Toffoli", "CCZ", "CY", "CZ", "CH", "PhaseShift", "PCPhase", "ControlledPhaseShift", "CPhaseShift00", "CPhaseShift01", "CPhaseShift10", "CPhase", "RX", "RY", "RZ", "Rot", "CRX", "CRY", "CRZ", "CRot", "IsingXX", "IsingYY", "IsingZZ", "IsingXY", "SingleExcitation", "SingleExcitationPlus", "SingleExcitationMinus", "DoubleExcitation", "DoubleExcitationPlus", "DoubleExcitationMinus", "QubitCarry", "QubitSum", "OrbitalRotation", "QFT", "ECR", } observables = { "PauliX", "X", "PauliY", "Y", "PauliZ", "Z", "Hadamard", "Hermitian", "Identity", "Projector", "SparseHamiltonian", "Hamiltonian", "LinearCombination", "Sum", "SProd", "Prod", "Exp", "Evolution", } def __init__( self, wires, *, r_dtype=np.float64, c_dtype=np.complex128, shots=None, analytic=None ): super().__init__(wires, shots, r_dtype=r_dtype, c_dtype=c_dtype, analytic=analytic) self._debugger = None # Create the initial state. Internally, we store the # state as an array of dimension [2]*wires. self._state = self._create_basis_state(0) self._pre_rotated_state = self._state self._apply_ops = { "PauliX": self._apply_x, "PauliY": self._apply_y, "PauliZ": self._apply_z, "Hadamard": self._apply_hadamard, "S": self._apply_s, "T": self._apply_t, "SX": self._apply_sx, "CNOT": self._apply_cnot, "SWAP": self._apply_swap, "CZ": self._apply_cz, "Toffoli": self._apply_toffoli, } @property def stopping_condition(self): def accepts_obj(obj): if == "QFT" and len(obj.wires) >= 6: return False if == "GroverOperator" and len(obj.wires) >= 13: return False if getattr(obj, "has_matrix", False): # pow operations dont work with backprop or adjoint without decomposition # use class name string so we don't need to use isinstance check return not (obj.__class__.__name__[:3] == "Pow" and qml.operation.is_trainable(obj)) return in self.observables.union(self.operations) return qml.BooleanFn(accepts_obj)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def map_wires(self, wires): # temporarily overwrite this method to bypass # wire map that produces Wires objects try: mapped_wires = [self.wire_map[w] for w in wires] except KeyError as e: raise WireError( f"Did not find some of the wires {wires.labels} on device with wires {self.wires.labels}." ) from e return mapped_wires
[docs] def define_wire_map(self, wires): # temporarily overwrite this method to bypass # wire map that produces Wires objects consecutive_wires = range(self.num_wires) wire_map = zip(wires, consecutive_wires) return dict(wire_map)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ def _get_batch_size(self, tensor, expected_shape, expected_size): """Determine whether a tensor has an additional batch dimension for broadcasting, compared to an expected_shape.""" size = self._size(tensor) if self._ndim(tensor) > len(expected_shape) or size > expected_size: return size // expected_size return None # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def apply(self, operations, rotations=None, **kwargs): rotations = rotations or [] # apply the circuit operations for i, operation in enumerate(operations): if i > 0 and isinstance(operation, (StatePrep, BasisState)): raise DeviceError( f"Operation {} cannot be used after other Operations have already been applied " f"on a {self.short_name} device." ) if isinstance(operation, StatePrep): self._apply_state_vector(operation.parameters[0], operation.wires) elif isinstance(operation, BasisState): self._apply_basis_state(operation.parameters[0], operation.wires) elif isinstance(operation, Snapshot): if self._debugger and state_vector = np.array(self._flatten(self._state)) if operation.tag: self._debugger.snapshots[operation.tag] = state_vector else: self._debugger.snapshots[len(self._debugger.snapshots)] = state_vector elif isinstance(operation, ParametrizedEvolution): self._state = self._apply_parametrized_evolution(self._state, operation) else: self._state = self._apply_operation(self._state, operation) # store the pre-rotated state self._pre_rotated_state = self._state # apply the circuit rotations for operation in rotations: self._state = self._apply_operation(self._state, operation)
def _apply_parametrized_evolution(self, state: TensorLike, operation: ParametrizedEvolution): """Applies a parametrized evolution to the input state. Args: state (array[complex]): input state operation (ParametrizedEvolution): operation to apply on the state """ raise NotImplementedError( f"The device {self.short_name} cannot execute a ParametrizedEvolution operation. " "Please use the jax interface." ) def _apply_operation(self, state, operation): """Applies operations to the input state. Args: state (array[complex]): input state operation (~.Operation): operation to apply on the device Returns: array[complex]: output state """ if operation.__class__.__name__ == "Identity": return state if == "GlobalPhase": return self._apply_global_phase(state, operation) wires = operation.wires if str( in self._apply_ops: # cast to string because of Tensor shift = int(self._ndim(state) > self.num_wires) axes = [ax + shift for ax in self.wires.indices(wires)] return self._apply_ops[](state, axes) matrix = self._asarray(self._get_unitary_matrix(operation), dtype=self.C_DTYPE) if operation in diagonal_in_z_basis: return self._apply_diagonal_unitary(state, matrix, wires) if len(wires) <= 2: # Einsum is faster for small gates return self._apply_unitary_einsum(state, matrix, wires) return self._apply_unitary(state, matrix, wires) def _apply_global_phase(self, state, operation: qml.GlobalPhase): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Applies a :class:`~.GlobalPhase` operation to the state.""" return qml.math.exp(-1j *[0]) * state def _apply_x(self, state, axes, **kwargs): """Applies a PauliX gate by rolling 1 unit along the axis specified in ``axes``. Rolling by 1 unit along the axis means that the :math:`|0 \rangle` state with index ``0`` is shifted to the :math:`|1 \rangle` state with index ``1``. Likewise, since rolling beyond the last index loops back to the first, :math:`|1 \rangle` is transformed to :math:`|0\rangle`. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ return self._roll(state, 1, axes[0]) def _apply_y(self, state, axes, **kwargs): """Applies a PauliY gate by adding a negative sign to the 1 index along the axis specified in ``axes``, rolling one unit along the same axis, and multiplying the result by 1j. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ return 1j * self._apply_x(self._apply_z(state, axes), axes) def _apply_z(self, state, axes, **kwargs): """Applies a PauliZ gate by adding a negative sign to the 1 index along the axis specified in ``axes``. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ return self._apply_phase(state, axes, -1) def _apply_hadamard(self, state, axes, **kwargs): """Apply the Hadamard gate by combining the results of applying the PauliX and PauliZ gates. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ state_x = self._apply_x(state, axes) state_z = self._apply_z(state, axes) return self._const_mul(SQRT2INV, state_x + state_z) def _apply_s(self, state, axes, inverse=False): return self._apply_phase(state, axes, 1j, inverse) def _apply_t(self, state, axes, inverse=False): return self._apply_phase(state, axes, TPHASE, inverse) def _apply_sx(self, state, axes, inverse=False): """Apply the Square Root X gate. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ return ( 0.5 * ((1 - 1j) * state + (1 + 1j) * self._apply_x(state, axes)) if inverse else 0.5 * ((1 + 1j) * state + (1 - 1j) * self._apply_x(state, axes)) ) def _apply_cnot(self, state, axes, **kwargs): """Applies a CNOT gate by slicing along the first axis specified in ``axes`` and then applying an X transformation along the second axis. By slicing along the first axis, we are able to select all of the amplitudes with a corresponding :math:`|1\rangle` for the control qubit. This means we then just need to apply a :class:`~.PauliX` (NOT) gate to the result. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ ndim = self._ndim(state) sl_0 = _get_slice(0, axes[0], ndim) sl_1 = _get_slice(1, axes[0], ndim) # We will be slicing into the state according to state[sl_1], giving us all of the # amplitudes with a |1> for the control qubit. The resulting array has lost an axis # relative to state and we need to be careful about the axis we apply the PauliX rotation # to. If axes[1] is larger than axes[0], then we need to shift the target axis down by # one, otherwise we can leave as-is. For example: a state has [0, 1, 2, 3], control=1, # target=3. Then, state[sl_1] has 3 axes and target=3 now corresponds to the second axis. if axes[1] > axes[0]: target_axes = [axes[1] - 1] else: target_axes = [axes[1]] state_x = self._apply_x(state[sl_1], axes=target_axes) return self._stack([state[sl_0], state_x], axis=axes[0]) def _apply_toffoli(self, state, axes, **kwargs): """Applies a Toffoli gate by slicing along the axis of the greater control qubit, slicing each of the resulting sub-arrays along the axis of the smaller control qubit, and then applying an X transformation along the axis of the target qubit of the fourth sub-sub-array. By performing two consecutive slices in this way, we are able to select all of the amplitudes with a corresponding :math:`|11\rangle` for the two control qubits. This means we then just need to apply a :class:`~.PauliX` (NOT) gate to the result. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ cntrl_max = np.argmax(axes[:2]) cntrl_min = cntrl_max ^ 1 ndim = self._ndim(state) sl_a0 = _get_slice(0, axes[cntrl_max], ndim) sl_a1 = _get_slice(1, axes[cntrl_max], ndim) sl_b0 = _get_slice(0, axes[cntrl_min], ndim - 1) sl_b1 = _get_slice(1, axes[cntrl_min], ndim - 1) # If both controls are smaller than the target, shift the target axis down by two. If one # control is greater and one control is smaller than the target, shift the target axis # down by one. If both controls are greater than the target, leave the target axis as-is. if axes[cntrl_min] > axes[2]: target_axes = [axes[2]] elif axes[cntrl_max] > axes[2]: target_axes = [axes[2] - 1] else: target_axes = [axes[2] - 2] # state[sl_a1][sl_b1] gives us all of the amplitudes with a |11> for the two control qubits. state_x = self._apply_x(state[sl_a1][sl_b1], axes=target_axes) state_stacked_a1 = self._stack([state[sl_a1][sl_b0], state_x], axis=axes[cntrl_min]) return self._stack([state[sl_a0], state_stacked_a1], axis=axes[cntrl_max]) def _apply_swap(self, state, axes, **kwargs): """Applies a SWAP gate by performing a partial transposition along the specified axes. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ all_axes = list(range(len(state.shape))) all_axes[axes[0]] = axes[1] all_axes[axes[1]] = axes[0] return self._transpose(state, all_axes) def _apply_cz(self, state, axes, **kwargs): """Applies a CZ gate by slicing along the first axis specified in ``axes`` and then applying a Z transformation along the second axis. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation Returns: array[complex]: output state """ ndim = self._ndim(state) sl_0 = _get_slice(0, axes[0], ndim) sl_1 = _get_slice(1, axes[0], ndim) if axes[1] > axes[0]: target_axes = [axes[1] - 1] else: target_axes = [axes[1]] state_z = self._apply_z(state[sl_1], axes=target_axes) return self._stack([state[sl_0], state_z], axis=axes[0]) def _apply_phase(self, state, axes, parameters, inverse=False): """Applies a phase onto the 1 index along the axis specified in ``axes``. Args: state (array[complex]): input state axes (List[int]): target axes to apply transformation parameters (float): phase to apply inverse (bool): whether to apply the inverse phase Returns: array[complex]: output state """ ndim = self._ndim(state) sl_0 = _get_slice(0, axes[0], ndim) sl_1 = _get_slice(1, axes[0], ndim) phase = self._conj(parameters) if inverse else parameters return self._stack([state[sl_0], self._const_mul(phase, state[sl_1])], axis=axes[0])
[docs] def expval(self, observable, shot_range=None, bin_size=None): """Returns the expectation value of a Hamiltonian observable. When the observable is a ``Hamiltonian`` or ``SparseHamiltonian`` object, the expectation value is computed directly from the sparse matrix representation, which leads to faster execution. Args: observable (~.Observable): a PennyLane observable shot_range (tuple[int]): 2-tuple of integers specifying the range of samples to use. If not specified, all samples are used. bin_size (int): Divides the shot range into bins of size ``bin_size``, and returns the measurement statistic separately over each bin. If not provided, the entire shot range is treated as a single bin. Returns: float: returns the expectation value of the observable .. warning:: This function does not support broadcasting if ``observable`` is a :class:``~.Hamiltonian`` and the device interface or the interface of the Hamiltonian is not NumPy or Autograd """ is_state_batched = self._ndim(self.state) == 2 # intercept Sums if isinstance(observable, Sum) and not self.shots: return measure( ExpectationMP(observable.map_wires(self.wire_map)), self._pre_rotated_state, is_state_batched, ) # intercept other Hamiltonians # TODO: Ideally, this logic should not live in the Device, but be moved # to a component that can be re-used by devices as needed. if not in ("Hamiltonian", "SparseHamiltonian", "LinearCombination"): return super().expval(observable, shot_range=shot_range, bin_size=bin_size) assert self.shots is None, f"{} must be used with shots=None" self.map_wires(observable.wires) backprop_mode = ( not isinstance(self.state, np.ndarray) or any(not isinstance(d, (float, np.ndarray)) for d in ) and in ["Hamiltonian", "LinearCombination"] if backprop_mode: # TODO[dwierichs]: This branch is not adapted to broadcasting yet if is_state_batched: raise NotImplementedError( "Expectation values of Hamiltonians for interface!=None are " "not supported together with parameter broadcasting yet" ) # We must compute the expectation value assuming that the Hamiltonian # coefficients *and* the quantum states are tensor objects. # Compute <psi| H |psi> via sum_i coeff_i * <psi| PauliWord |psi> using a sparse # representation of the Pauliword res = qml.math.cast(qml.math.convert_like(0.0,, dtype=complex) interface = qml.math.get_interface(self.state) # Note: it is important that we use the Hamiltonian's data and not the coeffs # attribute. This is because the .data attribute may be 'unwrapped' as required by # the interfaces, whereas the .coeff attribute will always be the same input dtype # that the user provided. for op, coeff in zip(observable.ops, # extract a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix representation of this Pauli word coo = qml.operation.Tensor(op).sparse_matrix(wire_order=self.wires, format="coo") Hmat = qml.math.cast(qml.math.convert_like(, self.state), self.C_DTYPE) product = ( self._gather(self._conj(self.state), coo.row) * Hmat * self._gather(self.state, coo.col) ) c = qml.math.convert_like(coeff, product) if interface == "tensorflow": c = qml.math.cast(c, "complex128") res = qml.math.convert_like(res, product) + qml.math.sum(c * product) else: # Coefficients and the state are not trainable, we can be more # efficient in how we compute the Hamiltonian sparse matrix. Hmat = observable.sparse_matrix(wire_order=self.wires) state = qml.math.toarray(self.state) if is_state_batched: res = qml.math.array( [ csr_matrix(self._conj(_state)),, csr_matrix(_state[..., None])), ).toarray()[0] for _state in state ] ) else: res = csr_matrix(self._conj(state)),, csr_matrix(state[..., None])), ).toarray()[0] if in ["Hamiltonian", "LinearCombination"]: res = qml.math.squeeze(res) return self._real(res)
def _get_unitary_matrix(self, unitary): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Return the matrix representing a unitary operation. Args: unitary (~.Operation): a PennyLane unitary operation Returns: array[complex]: Returns a 2D matrix representation of the unitary in the computational basis, or, in the case of a diagonal unitary, a 1D array representing the matrix diagonal. """ if unitary in diagonal_in_z_basis: return unitary.eigvals() return unitary.matrix()
[docs] @classmethod def capabilities(cls): capabilities = super().capabilities().copy() capabilities.update( model="qubit", supports_inverse_operations=True, supports_analytic_computation=True, supports_broadcasting=True, returns_state=True, passthru_devices={ "tf": "", "torch": "default.qubit.torch", "autograd": "default.qubit.autograd", "jax": "default.qubit.jax", }, ) return capabilities
def _create_basis_state(self, index): """Return a computational basis state over all wires. Args: index (int): integer representing the computational basis state Returns: array[complex]: complex array of shape ``[2]*self.num_wires`` representing the statevector of the basis state Note: This function does not support broadcasted inputs yet. """ state = np.zeros(2**self.num_wires, dtype=np.complex128) state[index] = 1 state = self._asarray(state, dtype=self.C_DTYPE) return self._reshape(state, [2] * self.num_wires) @property def state(self): dim = 2**self.num_wires batch_size = self._get_batch_size(self._pre_rotated_state, (2,) * self.num_wires, dim) # Do not flatten the state completely but leave the broadcasting dimension if there is one shape = (batch_size, dim) if batch_size is not None else (dim,) return self._reshape(self._pre_rotated_state, shape) def _apply_state_vector(self, state, device_wires): """Initialize the internal state vector in a specified state. Args: state (array[complex]): normalized input state of length ``2**len(wires)`` or broadcasted state of shape ``(batch_size, 2**len(wires))`` device_wires (Wires): wires that get initialized in the state """ # translate to wire labels used by device device_wires = self.map_wires(device_wires) dim = 2 ** len(device_wires) state = self._asarray(state, dtype=self.C_DTYPE) batch_size = self._get_batch_size(state, (dim,), dim) output_shape = [2] * self.num_wires if batch_size is not None: output_shape.insert(0, batch_size) if len(device_wires) == self.num_wires and sorted(device_wires) == device_wires: # Initialize the entire device state with the input state self._state = self._reshape(state, output_shape) return # generate basis states on subset of qubits via the cartesian product basis_states = np.array(list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(device_wires)))) # get basis states to alter on full set of qubits unravelled_indices = np.zeros((2 ** len(device_wires), self.num_wires), dtype=int) unravelled_indices[:, device_wires] = basis_states # get indices for which the state is changed to input state vector elements ravelled_indices = np.ravel_multi_index(unravelled_indices.T, [2] * self.num_wires) if batch_size is not None: state = self._scatter( (slice(None), ravelled_indices), state, [batch_size, 2**self.num_wires] ) else: state = self._scatter(ravelled_indices, state, [2**self.num_wires]) state = self._reshape(state, output_shape) self._state = self._asarray(state, dtype=self.C_DTYPE) def _apply_basis_state(self, state, wires): """Initialize the state vector in a specified computational basis state. Args: state (array[int]): computational basis state of shape ``(wires,)`` consisting of 0s and 1s. wires (Wires): wires that the provided computational state should be initialized on Note: This function does not support broadcasted inputs yet. """ # translate to wire labels used by device device_wires = self.map_wires(wires) # length of basis state parameter n_basis_state = len(state) if not set(state.tolist()).issubset({0, 1}): raise ValueError("BasisState parameter must consist of 0 or 1 integers.") if n_basis_state != len(device_wires): raise ValueError("BasisState parameter and wires must be of equal length.") # get computational basis state number basis_states = 2 ** (self.num_wires - 1 - np.array(device_wires)) basis_states = qml.math.convert_like(basis_states, state) num = int(, basis_states)) self._state = self._create_basis_state(num) def _apply_unitary(self, state, mat, wires): r"""Apply multiplication of a matrix to subsystems of the quantum state. Args: state (array[complex]): input state mat (array): matrix to multiply wires (Wires): target wires Returns: array[complex]: output state Note: This function does not support simultaneously broadcasted states and matrices yet. """ # translate to wire labels used by device device_wires = self.map_wires(wires) dim = 2 ** len(device_wires) mat_batch_size = self._get_batch_size(mat, (dim, dim), dim**2) state_batch_size = self._get_batch_size(state, (2,) * self.num_wires, 2**self.num_wires) shape = [2] * (len(device_wires) * 2) state_axes = device_wires # If the matrix is broadcasted, it is reshaped to have leading axis of size mat_batch_size if mat_batch_size: shape.insert(0, mat_batch_size) if state_batch_size: raise NotImplementedError( "Applying a broadcasted unitary to an already broadcasted state via " "_apply_unitary is not supported. Broadcasting sizes are " f"({mat_batch_size}, {state_batch_size})." ) # If the state is broadcasted, the affected state axes need to be shifted by 1. if state_batch_size: state_axes = [ax + 1 for ax in state_axes] mat = self._cast(self._reshape(mat, shape), dtype=self.C_DTYPE) axes = (np.arange(-len(device_wires), 0), state_axes) tdot = self._tensordot(mat, state, axes=axes) # tensordot causes the axes given in `wires` to end up in the first positions # of the resulting tensor. This corresponds to a (partial) transpose of # the correct output state # We'll need to invert this permutation to put the indices in the correct place unused_idxs = [idx for idx in range(self.num_wires) if idx not in device_wires] perm = list(device_wires) + unused_idxs # If the matrix is broadcasted, all but the first dimension are shifted by 1 if mat_batch_size: perm = [idx + 1 for idx in perm] perm.insert(0, 0) if state_batch_size: # As the state broadcasting dimension always is the first in the state, it always # ends up in position `len(device_wires)` after the tensordot. The -1 causes it # being permuted to the leading dimension after transposition perm.insert(len(device_wires), -1) inv_perm = np.argsort(perm) # argsort gives inverse permutation return self._transpose(tdot, inv_perm) def _apply_unitary_einsum(self, state, mat, wires): r"""Apply multiplication of a matrix to subsystems of the quantum state. This function uses einsum instead of tensordot. This approach is only faster for single- and two-qubit gates. Args: state (array[complex]): input state mat (array): matrix to multiply wires (Wires): target wires Returns: array[complex]: output state """ # translate to wire labels used by device device_wires = self.map_wires(wires) dim = 2 ** len(device_wires) batch_size = self._get_batch_size(mat, (dim, dim), dim**2) # If the matrix is broadcasted, it is reshaped to have leading axis of size mat_batch_size shape = [2] * (len(device_wires) * 2) if batch_size is not None: shape.insert(0, batch_size) mat = self._cast(self._reshape(mat, shape), dtype=self.C_DTYPE) # Tensor indices of the quantum state state_indices = ABC[: self.num_wires] # Indices of the quantum state affected by this operation affected_indices = "".join(ABC_ARRAY[list(device_wires)].tolist()) # All affected indices will be summed over, so we need the same number of new indices new_indices = ABC[self.num_wires : self.num_wires + len(device_wires)] # The new indices of the state are given by the old ones with the affected indices # replaced by the new_indices new_state_indices = functools.reduce( lambda old_string, idx_pair: old_string.replace(idx_pair[0], idx_pair[1]), zip(affected_indices, new_indices), state_indices, ) # We now put together the indices in the notation numpy's einsum requires # This notation allows for the state, the matrix, or both to be broadcasted einsum_indices = ( f"...{new_indices}{affected_indices},...{state_indices}->...{new_state_indices}" ) return self._einsum(einsum_indices, mat, state) def _apply_diagonal_unitary(self, state, phases, wires): r"""Apply multiplication of a phase vector to subsystems of the quantum state. This represents the multiplication with diagonal gates in a more efficient manner. Args: state (array[complex]): input state phases (array): vector to multiply wires (Wires): target wires Returns: array[complex]: output state """ # translate to wire labels used by device device_wires = self.map_wires(wires) dim = 2 ** len(device_wires) batch_size = self._get_batch_size(phases, (dim,), dim) # reshape vectors shape = [2] * len(device_wires) if batch_size is not None: shape.insert(0, batch_size) phases = self._cast(self._reshape(phases, shape), dtype=self.C_DTYPE) state_indices = ABC[: self.num_wires] affected_indices = "".join(ABC_ARRAY[list(device_wires)].tolist()) einsum_indices = f"...{affected_indices},...{state_indices}->...{state_indices}" return self._einsum(einsum_indices, phases, state)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the device""" super().reset() # init the state vector to |00..0> self._state = self._create_basis_state(0) self._pre_rotated_state = self._state
[docs] def analytic_probability(self, wires=None): if self._state is None: return None dim = 2**self.num_wires batch_size = self._get_batch_size(self._state, [2] * self.num_wires, dim) flat_state = self._reshape( self._state, (batch_size, dim) if batch_size is not None else (dim,) ) real_state = self._real(flat_state) imag_state = self._imag(flat_state) return self.marginal_prob(real_state**2 + imag_state**2, wires)
[docs] def classical_shadow(self, obs, circuit): """ Returns the measured bits and recipes in the classical shadow protocol. The protocol is described in detail in the `classical shadows paper <>`_. This measurement process returns the randomized Pauli measurements (the ``recipes``) that are performed for each qubit and snapshot as an integer: - 0 for Pauli X, - 1 for Pauli Y, and - 2 for Pauli Z. It also returns the measurement results (the ``bits``); 0 if the 1 eigenvalue is sampled, and 1 if the -1 eigenvalue is sampled. The device shots are used to specify the number of snapshots. If ``T`` is the number of shots and ``n`` is the number of qubits, then both the measured bits and the Pauli measurements have shape ``(T, n)``. This implementation leverages vectorization and offers a significant speed-up over the generic implementation. .. Note:: This method internally calls ``np.einsum`` which supports at most 52 indices, thus the classical shadow measurement for this device supports at most 52 qubits. .. seealso:: :func:`~pennylane.classical_shadow` Args: obs (~.pennylane.measurements.ClassicalShadowMP): The classical shadow measurement process circuit (~.tape.QuantumTape): The quantum tape that is being executed Returns: tensor_like[int]: A tensor with shape ``(2, T, n)``, where the first row represents the measured bits and the second represents the recipes used. """ wires = obs.wires seed = obs.seed n_qubits = len(wires) n_snapshots = self.shots device_qubits = len(self.wires) mapped_wires = np.array(self.map_wires(wires)) # seed the random measurement generation so that recipes # are the same for different executions with the same seed rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) recipes = rng.randint(0, 3, size=(n_snapshots, n_qubits)) obs_list = self._stack( [ qml.X.compute_matrix(), qml.Y.compute_matrix(), qml.Z.compute_matrix(), ] ) uni_list = self._stack( [ qml.Hadamard.compute_matrix(), qml.Hadamard.compute_matrix() @ qml.RZ.compute_matrix(-np.pi / 2), qml.Identity.compute_matrix(), ] ) obs = obs_list[recipes] uni = uni_list[recipes] # There's a significant speedup if we use the following iterative # process to perform the randomized Pauli measurements: # 1. Randomly generate Pauli observables for all snapshots for # a single qubit (e.g. the first qubit). # 2. Compute the expectation of each Pauli observable on the first # qubit by tracing out all other qubits. # 3. Sample the first qubit based on each Pauli expectation. # 4. For all snapshots, determine the collapsed state of the remaining # qubits based on the sample result. # 4. Repeat iteratively until no qubits are remaining. # # Observe that after the first iteration, the second qubit will become the # "first" qubit in the process. The advantage to this approach as opposed to # simulataneously computing the Pauli expectations for each qubit is that # the partial traces are computed over iteratively smaller subsystems, leading # to a significant speed-up. # transpose the state so that the measured wires appear first unmeasured_wires = [i for i in range(len(self.wires)) if i not in mapped_wires] transposed_state = np.transpose(self._state, axes=mapped_wires.tolist() + unmeasured_wires) outcomes = np.zeros((n_snapshots, n_qubits)) stacked_state = self._stack([transposed_state for _ in range(n_snapshots)]) for i in range(n_qubits): # trace out every qubit except the first first_qubit_state = self._einsum( f"{ABC[device_qubits - i + 1]}{ABC[:device_qubits - i]},{ABC[device_qubits - i + 1]}{ABC[device_qubits - i]}{ABC[1:device_qubits - i]}" f"->{ABC[device_qubits - i + 1]}a{ABC[device_qubits - i]}", stacked_state, self._conj(stacked_state), ) # sample the observables on the first qubit probs = (self._einsum("abc,acb->a", first_qubit_state, obs[:, i]) + 1) / 2 samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=probs.shape) > probs outcomes[:, i] = samples # collapse the state of the remaining qubits; the next qubit in line # becomes the first qubit for the next iteration rotated_state = self._einsum("ab...,acb->ac...", stacked_state, uni[:, i]) stacked_state = rotated_state[np.arange(n_snapshots), self._cast(samples, np.int8)] # re-normalize the collapsed state norms = np.sqrt( np.sum( np.abs(stacked_state) ** 2, tuple(range(1, device_qubits - i)), keepdims=True ) ) stacked_state /= norms return self._cast(self._stack([outcomes, recipes]), dtype=np.int8)
def _get_diagonalizing_gates(self, circuit: qml.tape.QuantumTape) -> List[Operation]: meas_filtered = [ m for m in circuit.measurements if m.obs is None or not isinstance(m.obs, (qml.ops.Hamiltonian, qml.ops.LinearCombination)) ] return super()._get_diagonalizing_gates(qml.tape.QuantumScript(measurements=meas_filtered))